Do You Deserve Your Dream Developer Job?

Nov. 7, 2017 | Advice for Talent | Kara Laudi

Do you ever think about how your work is making the world a better place? Are you excited about the potential to improve life on our planet? Do you go to work inspired in the morning? If not, there’s a good chance you’re yearning for a change...

You’ve seen the stats. Most companies are struggling to hire qualified developers because there is so much demand and not enough talent. By this logic, it should be easy for you to find and land your dream job. But, is it?

If you aren’t in your dream job right now, I’m going to guess it’s because you’re not taking advantage of your unique gift. No, I don’t mean a gift like Eleven’s ability to move stuff with her mind and locate people using just a picture. I mean your ability to craft code that changes the future of mankind. That’s a pretty powerful gift, don’t you think?

Getting a degree and title like ‘Software Engineer’ does not mean you’re using your gift. I’m referring to living a passionate life where curiosity and learning push your limits in the pursuit of big problems that need solving. Writing clean and scalable code is good enough; but dream jobs ask you to do magic that brings beautiful things to life.

You don’t deserve a dream job if you don’t come home mentally-exhausted, yet still wrestling with a bug you discovered. Your passion doesn’t need to be all-consuming; you really should spend time with your loved ones and dabble in interests that make you happy - but you can’t simply shut down when the clock strikes 5:00. You get out, what you put in.

Brush-up on your skills by taking an online course or a boot-camp. Test new frameworks and languages before you need to know them for work. Take on a side-project. Do something that holds your interest and keeps the passion burning. Then, and only then, do you deserve your dream job.

If you’re thinking, “I do use my gift and in return I get a paycheque, but not a purpose,” we should talk.

In the current tech job market, landing your dream job should be easy. If you’re still waiting to find yours, it’s likely because you’re sending the wrong message to the market. Is it your online presence? How about your resume? How are you with job interviews?

The Laudi Group can help you to land your dream job. As an executive search and recruitment firm with over 20 years in tech, we’ve helped many exceptional people - like you - to love Mondays. We work with many companies, founders and VCs, and we learn from each of them. This knowledge is invaluable to you and your career. We can help you play to your strengths and package your passion.

If you deserve your dream job, but haven’t found it yet - get in touch with me at